Daily Workouts exercise fitness app FREE is a daily workout routine for men and women that steps you through some of the best exercises you can do in the comfort of your own home.
There are many exercises included in the workout: jumping jacks, Wall sit, Push Up, Abdominal crunches, Step-ups onto a chair, Squat, Triceps dips on a chair, Planks, High kneesrunning in place, Lunges, Push-ups and rotations, Side planks, Crunch_cycle, crunch leg up, etc...
These exercises can fully train your abdominal and back muscles.
- Easy to follow
- Ability to pause the workout, and skip to the next or the previous exercise
- Random and custom workouts
- Workout log shows your complete workout time
- Set Reminder
- Choose levels
- Track activities in Smart calendar
- Animation for each exercise
- Reminders when to workout